
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I really enjoyed this demo. It's a good look at the setting and mechanics of the game and I'm looking forward to playing more.

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Akio Takeshi is a high schooler living in the futuristic country of Maken. President Irons and his four generals rule with impunity. Robot guards patrol the streets, people are forced to work long hours, and those at the top profit from it. After hearing his mother cry herself to sleep from working 15 hours a day, Akio decided to fight back. He stole the transformation technology the generals use, and turned himself into a warrior of freedom that could topple the government: Cobalt Moon.

Fight the totalitarian regime in this intense action game inspired by Kamen Rider. Survival won't be enough. If you want to win, you'll have to do it with style.

#action #scifi #adventure #characteraction #beatemup #stylish #brawler #stylishaction #tokusatsu #kamenrider

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Drew Cobalt Moon in Gamejolt colors for #GameJoltColors23

Mac and Linux versions for the alpha demo are up. Enjoy!

#characteraction #beatemup #stylish #brawler #stylishaction #tokusatsu #kamenrider

Apologies, there was an issue where a fresh save would cause some game breaking issues. It should be fixed now

Big update: the alpha demo is out now! This has been a long time coming, so please check it out! Mac and Linux versions are still in testing since I have neither myself

#characteraction #beatemup #stylish #brawler #stylishaction #tokusatsu #kamenrider

Made a nice little informational window for when you pick up certain items

More cosmetic polish. You can see a poster for Akio's favorite show, Road Wolf, as well as his transformation belt on his desk

Working on some polish before I release a public alpha demo. Now Levi has different faces if you get the worst or best rank


The entire intro cutscene for mission 1

It's President Irons! He's so nice. He would never do anything bad...

Base model from…


A sneak peek at the intro cutscene. Cobalt Moon is ZOOMIN